
2021 Rules

Neuchâtel Super 8 Film Festival

In-Camera Editing Film Competition

2021 Rules

Art. 1
The association SUPER8.NEUCH organizes a super 8 in-camera editing short film festival and competition . The public screening (world premiere) will take place on 23 October 2021 in Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

In the event of an unfavourable development of the public health situation, or of excessive restrictions (in particular on the movement of people, boarder crossings, limitations on gatherings), the SUPER8.NEUCH association may decide to postpone the event to later date. Participants will be immediately informed. The other rules of the competition, and in particular the deadlines for the return of the films, will not be modified.

Art. 2
The competition is open to all, without age limit. Participants are invited to register as of June 8, 2021 (12h GMT +1), using the online form. The number of places is limited. Registration is only effective once the entry fee has been paid (art. 3).

Art. 3
NEW : Films will be shot either on Kodak Tri-X film (black & white) or on Ekta 100D 7294 (colour). No negatives this year.

The entry fee for the competition is CHF 100 (or € 100). This amount includes the supply of a blank super 8 cartridge (colour or black & white), development and scanning a copy of the film.

The first 7 people to register will receive a 30% discount.

Vouchers won by winners of the previous edition entitle them to free registration, but do not guarantee entry if the limit of participants has already been reached.

There is no refund, even partial, if the planned film is not shot, or if we receive it after the deadline (art. 5).

Art. 4
All types of films can be presented (fiction, documentary, animation, experimental, etc.). The theme of the film is free. Films are shot exclusively with a super 8 camera on cartridges provided by the SUPER8.NEUCH association. They will be projected at 18 or 24 frames/second. Their duration does not exceed that of a 50 ft. cartridge. The sequences must be shot in story order, no editing or any other intervention on the exposed film is allowed.

Note on the duration of films: Be carful of two things:
1) Do not trust the timer, the speed of the cameras is very rarely exact.

2) The length of the film is 15m which corresponds to 3550 images approximately (3min17 / 2min27).
There is a loss of a few centimetres at the end of the film during development. It is therefore recommended to have a sufficient margin to avoid missing the end of your film. Beyond 3min10 / 2min20 it becomes really perilous!

Art. 5
The films must be sent undeveloped before super 8 September 2021 to the festival address:

ENS8FF, Association SUPER8.NEUCH, Chemin du Châtelard 19, 2022 Bevaix, Switzerland

Art. 6
An online form for film details (title, speed, duration, type of soundtrack, casting, credits, etc.) is to be completed and returned at the same time (super8 September 2021).

Art. 7
We ask participants to prepare an original soundtrack of their choice for their film (music, sound effects, commentary, etc.). If it’s recorded, the soundtrack must be sent in a digital format (.wav) before super 8 October 2021. It is also possible to opt for a live performance (much welcomed, by agreement with the organizers for logistical reasons). Participants using music must ensure that it is original and free of rights. If need be, the necessary steps will have been taken with the authors or their rights holders (not recommended, it can be a long and very expensive process).

Please note: the audience in Neuchâtel is mainly French-speaking. Films with a lot of text in another language may cause problems of comprehension. A subtitling solution exists. The translation must be done by the participants and the file containing the subtitles must be sent at the same time as the soundtrack. Contact the organisers asap if you are considering this solution.

Art. 8
Only the festival organisers view the films before the world premiere. If a film is problematic or has a serious technical defect, the organisers may decide to withdraw it from the selection, but not without consulting the author.

Art. 9
The films will be screened as a world premiere in Neuchâtel on the evening of 23 October 2021 (subject to art.1). On this occasion, the public, but also the participants, will discover films that have never been seen by human eyes (except for those of the organisers). At the end of the screening, prizes will be awarded by the audience and a jury of specialists.

Art. 10
Participants authorise the festival organisers to use still images and short excerpts of their film, as well as the title and author’s name (or pseudonym) that they have given, free of charge. This content may be published on the festival website, in the press and social media, but only for the purpose of promoting the festival.

Art. 11
The SUPER8.NEUCH association commits itself to use the data transmitted by the participants (names, addresses, telephone numbers, emails) only for the needs of the organisation of the festival, and not to transmit them to any third party.

Art. 12
All film material, i.e. the film and the digital HD copy (scanned and sounded), is returned to the participants. However, the film reels remain at the disposal of the SUPER8.NEUCH association for a period of one year from the date of the festival, so that they can, if necessary, be presented at other events or festivals.

Art. 13
Cases not covered by the present rules will be decided by the SUPER8.NEUCH association with all delicacy it is known for.

Art. 14
Participation in the competition implies acceptance of all the terms above.

SUPER8.NEUCH association, May 2021, Neuchâtel